The Anime Interviewer Final Session


The Anime Interviewer 


Final Session:

Malex: “Welcome back guys to our final interview for this episode. The last two people are one of the characters that people really liked and admired that’s what my research told me. I might get hate from asking these questions to one of these characters let’s hope this wouldn’t be the case. Please everyone give a round of applause to Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki. Nice to meet you both. My name is Malex”


They both waved to the camera with small smile on Itachi’s face and Kisame showing his sharp shark teeth smile to the camera.


Itachi: “Thanks for having us today Mr. Malex.”


Kisame: “Nice to meet you Malex”


The interviewer greeted them with excitement on his face and shook their hands and they sat on the chairs.



Malex: “It’s an honor to have you here with me today. I appreciate you coming here.”


Itachi: “Your welcome.”


Kisame: “It’s no big deal.”


Both didn’t mind about the invitation to the interview and reassured the interviewer.


Malex: “OK, then let’s start. So, at first how did you both became close friends like this.”


Itachi: “If I want to say we are good friends and we trust and respect each other that’s what our relationship.”


Kisame: “I agree with Mr. Itachi here. I trust him fully and respect him for his wisdom and prowess. He is one of the reasons that I stayed in the organization Akatsuki. Also, one of the reasons is that we have kind of similar past.”


Malex: “Since you have said it Mr. Kisame. Is there a reason on why you joined the Akatsuki? Because I believe you don’t care about making a world peace, right?”


Kisame: “You are right I didn’t care about a world peace specifically. I joined because my village saw me as criminal and a traitor. I saw how the world that I lived in was such a disappointment. That’s why I joined them.”


Kisame spoke with the look of disappointment on his facial as if he remembered his world before joining the Akatsuki.


Malex: “Thank you for your answer. Now my next question is for Mr. Itachi. You were ill for a long time, isn’t that, right? How did this Illness come to be?”


Itachi: “Yes, I had a cancer. This cancer came to be because I believe one of the reasons behind it is, I kept suppressing my emotion for a very long time and so they manifested as cancer inside of me, and I started taking some medicine to extend my life a little more. I have always deemed my life a failure all the way and the feeling of regrets hunted me for some time because what I have done is unforgivable.”


Itachi’s facial expression can be described as someone who is speaking in a very honest way that you can feel the sadness and the regrets inside of him.


Malex: “All of us when we heard your story and the episode you died. It was very sad, and we didn’t know you had an illness until Obito and Zetsu told us about it. I mean that’s when I knew it. You shouldn’t be hard on yourself Mr. Itachi, and I think you should learn from your mistakes and don’t obey orders unless they are something good. Not that would make a change right now for you, but it is a lesson for everybody to learn from isn’t it so?


Itachi: “Yes. It is a lesson for everybody who is working under any leader to think about what they are being ordered to do before doing the action.”


Malex: “Yeah. Just because the order came from a higher up doesn’t usually mean that’s a good thing. From what we saw you were manipulated by Danzo for massacring your clan under the assumption that it would bring peace and lead you to kill even your girlfriend. This shows that every person needs to think through whatever they hear before they go and do it. In my opinion just follow what your heart says. If you feel this is wrong, then don’t do it, if you really feel like it is correct then do it. This is something that all the humans have. They know that killing a person is wrong from the moment they are born, but still do it. I think since you recognized your mistakes Mr. Itachi it can be forgiven as long as you truly feel bad about what you did, and you won’t do it again and you will need to do good deeds to compensate for it unless you are dead then the prayer of your friends will help you even in death. I think you already compensated for your mistakes when you defeated Kabuto.”


The interviewer gave his honest opinion to Itachi hoping his words would reach him to make him feel more comfortable about himself.


Itachi: “You are right. I should have been more careful, but as you said I already passed away and I am trying to rest in peace in my death to accept the results that came to be, and I hope what you said is correct. Thank you.”


Itachi accepted the interviewer opinion without making his emotion get the better of him and his facial is as calm as ever.


Malex: “I apologize for this serious atmosphere. I hope I didn’t bother you with this question.”


Itachi: “Its ok. What you said is correct and the truth hurts sometimes if not always.”


The interviewer apologized for his serious talk because not a lot of people can handle truth and they get frustrated, but Itachi has the will power to accept whatever truth he might see or hear and still be calm.


Malex: “Thank you for your understanding. Next up is the question for both of you. How do you feel about the Naruto Shippuden series ending?”


Kisame: “I don’t care about it much, but I believe it was for the best for all of us the ending of the series. What do you think Mr. Itachi?”


Itachi: “I think it was a good and happy ending. The journey was fun while it last. Last thing I forgot to mention, Congratulations Naruto on the Marriage.”


Kisame didn’t care about the ending while still having his shark smile and pointed the question to Itachi. On the other hand, Itachi was happy about the series and the ending while having a small smile on his face and congratulated Naruto with closed eyes and kindness coming out from his smile. Then Naruto from the audience seats replied to Itachi.


Naruto: “Thank you Mr. Itachi. I am also thankful for you when you us helped during the war and almost ended it by yourself.”


Itachi gave a smile to Naruto and waved his hand to him.


Malex: “Thank you gentlemen for your answers. Next up what can you cook?”


Itachi: “**Sharingan activated** I can cook fried egg would you like me to demonstrate?”


Unexpectedly Itachi activated his Sharingan and got serious all of sudden which surprised the interviewer and Kisame.


Malex: “Please no, I don’t want to you to put everyone in the studio under your Genjutsu as collateral damage. For the viewers you can see the special episode where Itachi tried to cook fried egg. It is called “NARUTO: Shippuuden - Sunny Side Battle!!!” please go watch it everyone and you will find out how much time Itachi spent just to cook a fried egg.”


Itachi deactivated his Sharingan with a frowned look on his face from the disappointment that he was not allowed to do it here and all the excitement that he had were gone. While The interviewer eyebrow lowered and has a worried expression on his face remembering the special episode on how bad Itachi is when cooking.


Kisame: “I can’t cook anything, but my favorite food is shrimp and crab. Least favorite is shark fin soup. I don’t know how people can eat it.”


Malex: “I guess anyone can see that you like sea food Mr. Kisame.”


Interviewer making obvious joke to Kisame but he didn’t get it.


Kisame: “Well of course, sea food is my favorite except for the shark.”


Kisame was talking with an honesty that he had confused expression on how people can eat shark meat. While he himself not recognizing the reason behind it is, he is a shark himself.


Itachi: “My favorite food is cabbage and onigiri with seaweed in it and least favorite is steak. I like sweets a lot such as dango.”


Malex: “So you have sweet tooth Mr. Itachi didn’t expect that.”


Itachi: “Well I had it from a long time, but never showed it on the scenes because it would somewhat destroy my character as the director said so.”


Malex: “Next question is, what are your hobbies?”


Kisame: “My hobby was taking care of my swords in general, but since I don’t have any swords now thanks to Samehada leaving me. I don’t have any hobby.”


He had frustration look on his face and his shark smile weren’t visible anymore.


Malex: “Now your sword is with Killer Bee sitting in the audience. Do you have anything to say to your sword?”


Kisame: “Oh.. So, he is in the audience, thanks for telling me. I would like to say something, don’t show yourself to me Samehada or you gonna regret it, because you hurt my feeling and betrayed me after this long journey. Have fun with your new partner.”


Kisame spoke with an evil smirk coming from his shark mouth and chakra started flowing out of his body waiting for Samehada to appear.


In the meantime, Samehada went and hide behind killer bee between the audience so that he can’t be seen by Kisame.


Itachi: “Visiting Traditional Japanese Café is my hobby.”


Itachi quickly said his hobby.


Malex: “Next up. Is I am going to show you, your voice actors that you have worked with during the journey. First is Itachi your voice actor is Hideo Ishikawa. Anything to say to him?”


Giving him a picture of the voice actor.


Itachi: “It was nice working with you Mr. Hideo and thank you for helping me in the journey. Take care of yourself.”


Malex: “Kisame your voice actor is Tomoyuki Dan. Do you have anything to say to him?”


Giving him a picture of the voice actor.


Kisame: “It was pleasure working with you Tomoyuki Dan. Thanks for your assistance in all the spin off and main series. Take care of your health.”


Malex: “Thanks for your answers. Next question is for Mr. Kisame. A lot of people liked the fight where you fought against Might Guy the Taijutsu user. What is your opinion about it?”


Kisame: “That was really an entertaining fight. I enjoyed it a lot and I wish I could have fought him again. That taijutsu user was very strong. I have never seen someone like him.”


Kisame spoke with an honest opinion about the Taijutsu user and has an excitement on his face that shows his respect for the Taijutsu user which is Might Guy.


Malex: “He is currently in the audience.”


Kisame: “Oh is that so? Hello Mr. Taijutsu user.”


Kisame looked at the audience and saw Might Guy. He waved his hand to Guy. Guy noticed him and said.


Guy: “I remember your name this time it is Mr. Hoshigake Kisame.”


Kisame: “So you remembered me this time.”


With a smirk on his face.


Malex: “This question is for Itachi. A lot of fans have been curious on this question, and I am one of them. When you first met Jiraiya and tried to abduct Naruto. Why did you run away? Is it because you can’t beat him?”


Itachi: “I run away because fighting him would put us in disadvantage in that position and it would be a tough fight since he is quite strong that’s why I run away to not waste our chakra and look for another opportunity. As you saw I was forced to use my Amaterasu to escape and it was the first time that I have used it in the series.”


Malex: “Yeah, I didn’t know it until recently that you used the Amaterasu to run away. Thanks for clarifying it for us.”


Malex: “Lastly for this Interview. Do you have anything to say for the people that worked on this project and for the viewers?”


Itachi: “I must thank everyone that have worked on the Naruto Project from a start to finish and it was really fun working with all of you. Also, a big thanks for our creator, Masashi Kishimoto for creating this whole series. It was a good choice to create it in my opinion. To our viewers, please go watch the series if you didn’t watch it and see how the story has developed and watch the spin off, they are very funny, and we all had fun doing them. One of them is the NARUTO Spin-Off: Rock Lee & His Ninja Pals go watch it. Thanks everyone for your assistance.”


Itachi was as appreciative as ever in thanking all the staff member and fans while his kind smile never left his face.


Kisame: “Let’s first say thank you for all the staff member that worked on this project and thanks for Mr. Masashi Kishimoto for everything that he has done. For the viewers go watch the spin off series the same one Mr. Itachi mentioned. There you will find me, because I have more screen time than the main series I believe. Also watch the main series if you haven’t and thank you everyone for your support during the series, we all appreciate it.”


Malex: “Thank you so much again for coming to the interview Mr. Itachi and Mr. Kisame. It was nice meeting you both. Thank you.”


Itachi: “Your welcome.”


Kisame: “No problem.”


Malex: “To End our interview. All the characters will gather together with their voice actors’ portraits and will take pictures all of us together with the audience behind us.”


Everyone came from the audience seats to the photo shoot and looked at the camera. It was a selfie picture that has all the audience and the main characters in the photo with the interviewer holding the camera.


Malex: “Ready Everyone! One. Two. Three. Smile **click**


The picture is taken, and everyone got separated and went on their way to the party. Some fireworks started playing in the background and people were celebrating in the studio for finishing the first episode while also music playing in the background.


Malex: “Thank you everyone so much for reaching the end of the episode we appreciate it. My name is Malex the anime interviewer. I will see you in the Next Episode hopefully.”

The interviewer spoke while screaming loudly because of the noise that is happening around him and left to the party with the characters.




Episode Finished




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