
Epilogue Episode 1: The Anime Interviewer

  The Anime Interviewer   Epilogue:   -The sound of someone shouting at the interviewer with frustration can be seen on his face. He has a blonde hair, has a headband of the Konoha and a teenager with a lousy attitude.   ???: “Why I was not invited to the interview Malex”   Malex: “First it’s because your series is very boring currently and it’s not that popular yet. Secondly. Hm… Nothing I don’t have second thing. So, behave yourself Boruto and go back to your scenes and finish doing your scenes.”   Boruto: “You bastard! You don’t need to be so rude like that. You know what, I am happy that I was not invited to your shitty interview.”   Malex: “Well good for you. I am also happy that you weren’t invited.”   Boruto: “You have a very sharp tongued you know you bastard.”   Malex: “Well sorry for that, I need to go back home and sleep. It’s getting very late. See you later.”   Boruto: “You are also a very frustrating person you know. Everyone please go

The Anime Interviewer Final Session

  The Anime Interviewer    Final Session: Malex: “Welcome back guys to our final interview for this episode. The last two people are one of the characters that people really liked and admired that’s what my research told me. I might get hate from asking these questions to one of these characters let’s hope this wouldn’t be the case. Please everyone give a round of applause to Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki. Nice to meet you both. My name is Malex”   They both waved to the camera with small smile on Itachi’s face and Kisame showing his sharp shark teeth smile to the camera.   Itachi: “Thanks for having us today Mr. Malex.”   Kisame: “Nice to meet you Malex”   The interviewer greeted them with excitement on his face and shook their hands and they sat on the chairs.     Malex: “It’s an honor to have you here with me today. I appreciate you coming here.”   Itachi: “Your welcome.”   Kisame: “It’s no big deal.”   Both didn’t mind about the invitati

The Anime Interviewer Second Session Updated

Anime Interviewer   Second Session:   Malex: “Welcome back everybody and thank you for your patience. Now to our next guests. Some of our next guests today were very dangerous people during the series and some people called them very broken characters, and they have caused a lot of troubles in the series for Konoha and the other Nations. Our dear audience please greet our guests. They are: Madara Uchiha, Obito Uchiha, Hashirama Senju, Tobirama Senju and lastly Onoki.”   Everyone came out of the hall into the spotlights and the interviewer tried to shake hands with them. The studio was shaking with excitement of the audience applauses.   Madara: “So noisy. Let’s just get this over with. I don’t have a lot of time for you.”   Madara ignored the hand that was stretched out from the interviewer and has an expression of boredom on his face.   Hashirama: “Don’t be like that Madara. Let’s enjoy this interview. Nice to meet you Mr.. ??”   Malex: “My name is Malex.”